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Success Elements of An Unmanned Store

The Unmanned Store which is a cashless and counter-less convenient store may help any retailers to maximize their investment return.

This is the result of the operational system which use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to operate. It depends entirely on technology and no man power are needed. Thus, the store owner can operate it without any labour cost.

In China, unmanned store operator such as Alibaba, Tencent, JD.com and Suning utilizes technology such as RFID tags, mobile payment systems and facial & movement recognition. Such stores collect troves of data that give operators a better idea of consumer preferences and buying habits, which can then be used to optimise operations and make more efficient inventory decisions.

As a result, owners, investors, and operators find unmanned stores easier to manage in terms of lower costs, real-time shelf data and financial data. All these elements can make the management system more efficient and operate it with cost effective. 

Besides that, Unmanned store operator also need to make sure that the buying process are easier compare to traditional store. If an unmanned store requires more steps than a traditional manned store which has a wider selection of items, customers won’t use it as they are likely to choose a simpler method to buy a good.

If you want to learn more about the unmanned store and its potential to become an investment opportunity in Malaysia, you may join the Irispay Business Opportunity Sharing Session. Register your interest now: https://goo.gl/forms/s4yc55O4xn7MHIRQ2

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